Before the naturalists in the fishing world criticize me, I would like to make it known that I am a firm believer in catch and release. My father taught me catch and release as a young man, and as I have grown to appreciate the sport of fishing even more as an adult, I highly encourage catch and release. Keep our fisheries sustainable for future generations and those future fishermen will be blessed with the same natural high that we can achieve today from fishing/hunting.
Sometimes, as a man though, I have to act as a man and provide for myself. A few weeks ago, I decided stream-side, that a trout dinner would be a great treat after a long day of work. I keep trout once a year and only keep a select few small trout and make sure any brood, or potential large breeders with good genetics are released.
Trout dinner served!!!!! Plus a side of cheese and beer.
1. Lay trout on three pieces of foil and add the ingredients I have pictured.
2. Have the grill preheated (low heat).
3. Wrap the foil into a bag like shape that will not leak and bring flame to the grill.
4. Cook until done. (15 min top rack of grill)
Cheese with bacon and beer can't be wrong.